About us

Shinyoung Electric Works
Shinyoung Electric is a company that provides professional electrical installation and facility construction services. We specialize in designing, building, and maintaining facilities of various sizes and types.
Using the latest technology and cutting-edge equipment, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers’ needs, with safety and efficiency as our top priorities.
We do our best to satisfy our customers, and provide fast and accurate service along with technical support.
We do our best to satisfy our customers and provide fast and accurate service along with technical support.
  • Road name address 6, Noksan Industrial Buk-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan
  • Main number 051-831-2245
  • Fax number 051-831-2250
  • Email acesy@hanmail.net
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If you request a quote,
we will respond as soon as possible.
President: Kim Geumjong
Address: Noksansaneopbuk-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan. Korea
Tel: +82 51 831 2245 | Fax: +82 51 831 2250
E-mail : acesy@hanmail.net